10-days and weekly weather forecast

Weather information

The Ob-havo website offers detailed weather information for different cities and countries. With the help of convenient and informative sections of the site and an intuitive search engine, you can find the following information:

All these data are changed daily (in accordance with the information of the hydrometeorological center), so you will always have accurate information about the weather in your home or neighboring city.

Weather for the week is available here. Thanks to accurate information about air humidity and moon phases, you can plan not only trips, but also dates for sowing crops.

If you want to know what the weather is like in Rishtan (or even Moldova) today, then to get information, it will be enough to drive the desired name into the search box. The site will automatically display a page with the necessary data.

In the sections of the site you can find out in which country what weather. Now information is available on weather conditions in fifteen countries (in each city), the list will be updated.

The site offers two main languages. They can be switched using a special icon located in the upper right corner. This will not only allow users from different countries to know what the weather will be like for 10 days, but also make it easier to understand the information.

Convenient city cards showing all the data (humidity, wind speed, air temperature day and night, moon phases, sunrise and sunset times) in two columns will make it easier to find the information you need, make the process of using it faster and easier.

If you are interested in the questions “what is the weather tomorrow” and “what is the weather today”, what air humidity and wind speed should you expect during the day and whether you should fly to a neighboring country or go to a neighboring city on vacation, then the Ob-havo website will easily answer them. Knowing the exact weather information for a few days in advance, you can easily plan your vacation!