Urgut weather
21 November 2024
- Afternoon: +12°
- Humidity: 78%
- Sunrise: 07:21
- Moon rise: 22:29
- Moon phase:
- At night: +8°
- Wind: 7 km/s
- Sunset: 17:10
- Moonset: 12:36
- Moon lighting: 70%
Urgut hourly weather forecast
00:00 | +5° | Light drizzle | |
01:00 | +4° | Rain in places | |
02:00 | +4° | Rain in places | |
03:00 | +8° | Partly cloudy | |
04:00 | +8° | Rain in places | |
05:00 | +9° | Rain in places | |
06:00 | +9° | Rain in places | |
07:00 | +8° | Rain in places | |
08:00 | +9° | Rain in places | |
09:00 | +9° | Rain in places | |
10:00 | +10° | Rain in places | |
11:00 | +11° | Rain in places | |
12:00 | +11° | Rain in places | |
13:00 | +12° | Rain in places | |
14:00 | +12° | Light rain shower | |
15:00 | +11° | Light rain shower | |
16:00 | +11° | Light rain with thunderstorms in some areas | |
17:00 | +10° | Light rain with thunderstorms in some areas | |
18:00 | +9° | Rain in places | |
19:00 | +8° | Clear | |
20:00 | +8° | Clear | |
21:00 | +8° | Clear | |
22:00 | +7° | Clear | |
23:00 | +7° | Clear |
Weather in other regions
- Defect: +4°
- necklace: +10°
- Angren: +7°
- Jizzakh: +9°
- Syria: +12°
- Target: +16°
- Navoi: +14°
- Opposite: +13°
- Book: +11°
- Dehkanabad: +7°
- Qamashi: +13°
- Samarkand: +11°
- Khiva: +11°
- Altyaryk: +10°
- Guzor: +16°
- Payarik: +11°
- Casing: +16°
- Rishton: +11°
- Urganch: +3°
- Denov: +14°
- Boys: +8°
- We sweat: +16°
- Shafirkon: +8°
- Tashkent: +9°
- Chase: +9°
- Parkent: +9°
- Zarafshon: +5°
- Andijan: +9°
- Quiet: +9°
- Bukhara: +4°
- Shahrisabz: +13°
- Namangan: +9°
- Gulistan: +8°
- Beshkent: +11°
- Zomin: +7°
- Ferghana: +11°
- A lamp: +13°
Urgut 10-days and weekly weather forecast
+12° feels like +4°
21 November
- humidity: 77%
- sunrise: 07:21
- afternoon: +9°
- moon rise: 22:29
- moon phase: Waning Gibbous
- wind: 7 km/h
- sunset: 17:10
- at night: +4°
- moonset: 12:36
- moon lighting: 70%
+11° feels like +1°
22 November
- humidity: 65%
- sunrise: 07:22
- afternoon: +7°
- moon rise: 23:34
- moon phase: Последняя четверть луны
- wind: 5 km/h
- sunset: 17:10
- at night: +1°
- moonset: 13:05
- moon lighting: 60%
+12° feels like +1°
23 November
- humidity: 59%
- sunrise: 07:23
- afternoon: +7°
- moon rise: 06:00
- moon phase: Последняя четверть луны
- wind: 5 km/h
- sunset: 17:09
- at night: +1°
- moonset: 13:29
- moon lighting: 51%
+12° feels like -0°
24 November
- humidity: 51%
- sunrise: 07:24
- afternoon: +6°
- moon rise: 00:35
- moon phase: Убывающий полумесяц луны
- wind: 6 km/h
- sunset: 17:09
- at night: -0°
- moonset: 13:50
- moon lighting: 41%
+15° feels like +3°
25 November
- humidity: 39%
- sunrise: 07:25
- afternoon: +10°
- moon rise: 01:36
- moon phase: Убывающий полумесяц луны
- wind: 8 km/h
- sunset: 17:08
- at night: +3°
- moonset: 14:09
- moon lighting: 32%
+16° feels like +2°
26 November
- humidity: 38%
- sunrise: 07:26
- afternoon: +9°
- moon rise: 02:34
- moon phase: Убывающий полумесяц луны
- wind: 9 km/h
- sunset: 17:08
- at night: +2°
- moonset: 14:29
- moon lighting: 24%
+16° feels like +4°
27 November
- humidity: 34%
- sunrise: 07:27
- afternoon: +10°
- moon rise: 03:33
- moon phase: Убывающий полумесяц луны
- wind: 9 km/h
- sunset: 17:07
- at night: +4°
- moonset: 14:49
- moon lighting: 16%
+18° feels like +7°
28 November
- humidity: 31%
- sunrise: 07:28
- afternoon: +12°
- moon rise: 04:32
- moon phase: Убывающий полумесяц луны
- wind: 9 km/h
- sunset: 17:07
- at night: +7°
- moonset: 15:12
- moon lighting: 10%
+7° feels like +1°
29 November
- humidity: 86%
- sunrise: 07:29
- afternoon: +5°
- moon rise: 05:35
- moon phase: Убывающий полумесяц луны
- wind: 6 km/h
- sunset: 17:07
- at night: +1°
- moonset: 15:38
- moon lighting: 5%
+10° feels like +5°
30 November
- humidity: 76%
- sunrise: 07:30
- afternoon: +7°
- moon rise: 06:39
- moon phase: Убывающий полумесяц луны
- wind: 5 km/h
- sunset: 17:07
- at night: +5°
- moonset: 16:08
- moon lighting: 2%